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Friday, May 29, 2009


Some of the content in this blog may disturb some of our viewers. View pictures at your own risk...

Lance and I were watching a movie tonight (Bride Wars - if you haven't seen it, it was pretty good...laugh/cry kind of movie...) and when it was over, Lance went to bed. Immediately he noticed the shredded cotton particles on the floor next to our bed and shouted 'CRAP - HE CHEWED UP A DIAPER!!' No big surprise to me, I had come across the remains of a poopy diaper that Dierk had snatched myself just a couple weeks ago. I went in the room to see what the big deal was - it was SHREDDED...the one I had found was just little pieces, like he had EATEN the diaper. I was in an emotional state due to the movie that we had just finished watching, and burst out laughing...Kade was asleep and the door was open, so I was TRYING to keep quiet, but no luck. I was laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face. I couldn't quit laughing/crying, and fell to the floor. It got worse...You couldn't wee under our bed due to all of the diapers/debris. Lance didn't believe me, and as I ran to the other room to grab my camera, he hit the floor to look for himself! It was horrible and discusting...yet I continued to laugh histerically. I couldn't help myself. By this time Lance had scoulded the dog and thrown him outside...I had documented all I cared to...and we were preparing to clean it up. I should have taken a picture of the underneath of the bed after I raised the mattresses. It was unbelievable...I wish I could have seen Dierk sneaking ever so quietly from the nursery to the bedroom with a diaper in his mouth...Oh man, what would he have done if we would have cought him in the act?!?! So now I am sharing this moment with everyone, hoping that somehow my sick sense of humor will make someone laugh, smile, or gag...ENJOY!!!

Lance had just looked under the bed.
(Anything white, except the one sock by the dresser, is diaper debris.)

Under the bed...

I had just taken my shoes off so I didn't track anything...

The Debris...and Kade's shirt (Dierk likes them too for some reason?)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bottoms Up!

I started letting Kade nap on his belly this week. I have been nervous, because the doctors warn you about SIDS. But I decided that I slept on my tummy when I was a baby, in fact...that was how the doctors WANTED babies to sleep back then because of SIDS, and I survived! I am nervous still though, so it is just during naps so that I can constantly run over and make sure his head is turned to the side and his back is going up and down. Paranoia?? Once he is strong enough to turn his head or roll over, I will be okay with it, but for now, just naps. I love the bum in the air when babies sleep on their tummies, so enjoy this picture.
It makes him look so tiny:(

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Mom (GiGi), Kaatje (Aunt Kaatje), Jess (Aunt CaCa), and Cami (Cousin Cami) came down for Memorial Day weekend to visit the babe. It was Aunt CaCa's first time to get to seek Kade, so she was so excited. Somehow I managed to let them all leave without getting Jess's picture with Kade, but we did get some fun pictures:

The water was fresh...and COLD...feet were all he got to get wet, and I think that was enough for him. Dierk wanted in though!

Another shot of Kade in the pool.

Kaatje liked Kade's bath tub.

Check out my cool shoes!!

Sittin outside with Aunt Kaatje.

A picture with GiGi on my one month day.

My Cousin Cami.

Aunt Kaatje.

Hard to Believe

It is so hard to believe that Kade is already a month old. I can not imagine that he has only been with us for a month though. He is growing and changing now on a daily basis. Kade now weighs 11lbs 4oz and is so long. I do not know his length, but I need to get out a measuring tape and figure it out. He has outgrown all of his newborn clothes with the exception of a few onsies. Look at the differences between these two pictures!


I laid the monkey outfit on his belly to see if it fit anymore - the feet came to his knees!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Great Aunt Kristin

My aunt Kristin was on her way to Austin yesterday and decided she needed to stop at the Carlson Inn for a visit!! She was ready to see her Great Nephew!!
As it is with most of HIS guests ( and I stress HIS guests because everyone makes it a point that Lance and I are not who they are coming to visit anymore!) Kade decided to snooze for the majority of the time Kristin was here. We did manage to catch him awake for a couple pictures though!!
We even managed to get a couple smiles! :)

Just a couple more pictures taken today...

Look how strong I am!!

I can even start holding up my head!!

4 Weeks Old - ALREADY!!

Kade is so much more alert now than he has been. He is noticing more and more every day. He has started smiling at us - and it's not just gas!! He also is laughing in his sleep - I just wish I knew what he was dreaming about. It is the sweetest laugh.
When Lance was home yesterday, he got Kade up from a nap and sat with him on the couch. Kade was still pretty dreary eyed, but was lookin up at his daddy and just smiling. Of course I was a little late with the camera, but I did catch the end of it. Here's the video I got:

When he is trying to stay awake, but is too tired, his eyes open and close very slowly but right after eachother...he does it in the video. :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back - Blogging

Today I am 'back blogging.' I am not sure if there is such a thing, but I am doing it! Kade has decided he LOVES being outside. The other day he was very fussy - wasn't hungry, wasn't dirty, stepped outside - HAPPY!! Excuse the bra strap...
Focusing on the trees above us.
Cooing at the trees above us!

Hopefully his love for the outdoors will continue as he gets older!
Michele and Dad visited us Sunday - Michele had only seen Kade under the Bili Lights at the hospital, so I am glad she has finally gotten a chance to hold her grandbaby. Kade slept all but MAYBE an hour that they were here. I tried EVERYTHING I could think of to wake him up, but none of it worked. Of course that night was a bit rough getting him to go to sleep, but oh well.
Michele and Kade - one of the FEW moments he was awake
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!Trying to stay awake, but it's so comfortable!
If you notice - this outfit was in another picture. He wore it 10 days apart - it was very loose on him the first time, but this time it fit him perfect, maybe even a bit snug!
Monday - 04/18 - I was changing the baby's diaper and noticed that his belly button was filled with blood! I called the doctor and he seemed like it was no big deal, but wanted us to go in first thing in the morning so he could fix it up. We went in and he dabbed some silver nitrate inside of his belly button where it hadn't healed all the way up. I guess it is supposed to speed up the healing process. Anyways, now he perfect little belly button is silver - all around! I guess it is going to fade after a few days, but for now it is pretty different looking!
A friend of mine gave us a whole bunch of baby clothes before Kade was born, and in them was a pair of baby boxers - they are so cute!
Chillin with my dog!

Dierks gonna go get a toy...
Wanting to play with Kade - Kade wondering WHAT THE HECK??
HA!!! Love those boxer shorts!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Belly Button

Well - there has been so much going on this week I haven't had time to keep up with the blog!
Saturday, Kade's umbilical cord finally fell off - THANK GOODNESS!! It had gotten down to where it was just hanging on my one tiny piece of slime, and every time I changed his diaper or cleaned his umbilical cord, I would cringe thinking it was going to fall off! Luckily it detached itself while Kade was sleeping, not while I was cleaing it!!
Since his umbilical cord is healed up,now we can bathe Kade in his tub - he LOVES it! And it is SO much easier than sponge bathing him!
We had Kade's 2 week check-up Monday and of course he is still perfect! He is now up to 10lbs 4oz and is 22 1/4in long! WOW!! There is not a doubt in my mind now that he is getting plenty to eat! Two punds in 17 days!!
The Sunday that we got out of the hospital after Kade was born, we had our family portraits taken at our church as part of a fundraiser for the Awanas. Yesterday we were able to order what prints we wanted. Our friends at the church surprised us with a coupon for 14 free sheets!! I could not be more greatfull - it was over $150 worth of pictures that were given to us for free. I love our church family and am so thankful for everything that they have done for us with this new baby. These are the pictures that we got - the 1st 3 we had to order, but once they come in I will get some to everyone. They turned out so great.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mommas Day!

It is funny - just one year ago I was sitting in church when they asked all of the mommies to stand up for appreciation...I had to sit there. But not this year! It was a little surreal to get to stand up with all of the other moms in the congregation this morning, but I was proud!

We took this picture this morning for Mother's Day. They passed the roses out to all of the mommies in church this morning and thought it was cute with Kade. He was not amused!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two Weeks Old Today!

Kade is 2 whole weeks old today...I can't believe it!! He is getting so big already! I forgot all about the little outfit that he is wearing today, it was my FAVORITE one that I got from one of the bunches of clothes that were given to us before Kade was born. It is a newborn size - Kade is almost too big for it already - it definitely will not fit him next week!

Thought everyone would enjoy watching a video for a change instead of snapshots - you can probably tell a little more from a video too!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Pictures

FIRST OFF - I fixed the blog so that people can now leave comments - just FYI.

Kade does not like ceiling fans...if he is asleep, they will wake him up, if he is awake trying to go to sleep, he can not. SO...for the past week and a half that we have been home, I have been stuck sleeping in a separate room from Lance since he gets so hot at night and can't sleep without the fan. It has been hard not getting to sleep in the same bed as Lance, but at the same time, I haven't been able to make myself put Kade to bed in his nursery - it's just TOO FAR AWAY FROM ME! - - - Well that being said, I did let him sleep in his own room last night - 2 days short of being only 2 weeks old :(. It took me so long to fall asleep, my body was telling me that my baby was too far away - it literally felt like my insides were set to high on vibrate mode. Once I got to sleep, I figured it would be okay, but then dreaming took over the worry! All in all, it was fine - he slept great and I slept great...Lance not so great because he had to sleep on the other side of the bed!

I have realized, and been told, that Kade does not look like an almost 2 week old baby. He is teeny tiny like a 2 week old baby, but his face does not resemble that of a newborn...he looks more like a little boy in all of his pictures. In person, he does still look like a newborn, so I am going to attempt to take a video of him on his 2 week birthday (tomorrow 05/07) and will try to get that on here soon so everyone can see some movements to go along with all of those still pictures.

I have not been posting just random pictures, but here are some that I took yesterday because I thought he looked SO cute in this little outfit!

Propped up on the couch so big!

Getting close to a smile - working those arms though!

Getting tired of the photo session - ready to quit...but I just want ONE smile!!

There's the smile, although, in the picture it looks like he is upset...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Just wanted to post the pictures of the family members that I have gotten pictures of so far...

Grandpa Guy - first grandson! I think he is proud!

Kade and his GiGi - also her first grandson!

Sleeping with his Pop...

And his Gram.

With Uncle Heath and his Cousin Makayla the day he came home.

Makayla rubbing his cheek to get him to smile.

The 'Greats'. Got to stop by on their way through town. Proud and Happy!

I will post some more with more family members as they visit this baby boy!